Tamara’s Blog

Transformation through yoga!

Yoga is healthy at any age.  Enjoy this inspirational video.

Category : Inspirational &Tamara's Blog &Yoga

Yoga on the Go

Last summer, while making the trek from California to Montana, I realized the value of yoga on the go. Once my neck and shoulders started complaining, I answered them by using every stop sign and stop light to do some type of yoga. I found that placing my hands in Hasta Bandha on the roof of the car gave my shoulders a much-needed release. Picturing my shoulder blades melting into my back pockets gave me energy. Pulling my core into the back of the seat, lifting up on my Uddiyana bhanda, helped me feel supported. Settling my feet into the floorboard for Poda Bandha helped keep me grounded even though I was exhausted from the drive. My arms in Eagle released my shoulder blades, and twists are a natural part of every turn, merge or reverse move in a car. At rest stops I used mountain, tree, and dancer to reenergize. These yoga postures also work well in an airplane. Take yoga on the Go, your body will thank you!

Category : Tamara's Blog &Yoga


Joy, the acronym for Just One You, begins with you, and your life choices. Try celebrating yourself! Notice all that you do well. Balance out the self-critic voice with the friend voice. Know that you are the reason for many a smile. Pay attention to what makes you smile, and bring more of this into your life. Be in your body-stretch, breathe, and work on strength. Rejoice in your unique mind. Notice your ideas, thoughts, and plans; congratulate yourself. Believe in yourself, and you will accomplish. Move the obstacles (fears) out of the way, and Go for it!

My goal in blogging is to inspire you, to invite you to become more than you ever thought you could be. I will intermittently blog about mental/emotional health, physical health, and educational options. I hope to provide variety. I believe in you! Now you need to believe in YOURSELF!

Category : Inspirational &Tamara's Blog